Employee of Month

It is with great honor we would like to introduce Simon. Simon said “he entered this field to help others and to be able to do the right thing for those in need of assistance”. “ I enjoy the compassion I am able to demonstrate and the companionship I can provide that helps so many patients with the psychological aspects of aging and chronic conditions. Not only does my field of work help others, but it also helps me as it makes me feel like I make a difference in the lives of those I work with, which is a gratifying feeling.” His other hobbies include sports, modeling, and being able to live my life through the lenses of social media, which I had built from influencing others. Simon has shown exemplary dedication to his patients. He has set aside many things in his own life to help others in need. When faced with adversity, Simon has handled every situation incredibly respectfully and professionally. We are beyond proud to have him on our team!